
Lend better lend anywhere

Revolutionize your manual lending process with a solution that streamlines underwriting, document collection, and risk analysis.

Business Challenge

Offering personalized onboarding experience is difficult.

Challenge 3QB_

Customers want Loans

Consumers want quick loan processing without face-to-face interaction and lengthy turnaround time.

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Customers walk away because of cumbersome forms and document requirements.

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Lenders are not able to analyze complete risk due to the unavailability of customer holistic data.

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Lenders have to fight identity theft and fraud without impacting customer experience.

What is automated loan origination?

Automated loan origination software helps you remove the lending barrier. Good loan origination software helps you automate the end to end lending process from registration to document collection & verification to risk analysis. Choose the solution that let you evolve with changing market

Why do you need it?

The lending process involves a lot of manual work which in turn delays the lending and also creates a bad experience for the borrower. In this fast moving world, it has now become necessary to become agile and involve the process that saves time for both customer and lender.

The Solution

We help lenders in digitizing the lending process so that they can reach their customers without any barriers, allowing them to quickly and intelligently process the loans.


Digitize Onboarding

Our no-code Form Builder will make your job more enjoyable. Drag and drop components, custom validations, adjusting the buttons — flexibility is all yours

Automated KYC & Identity Verification

Leverage a wide range of identity verification methodologies to verify the customer in real time to reduce the risk of identity fraud.


Document Collection & Verification

Collect required documents and do real time forgery verification. Facial comparison and Optical character recognition technology has added another layer of confidence to the customer’s credibility.

Risk Analysis

Reduce bad lending and NPA by building risk scoring data models that will leverage different data sources to give you the holistic customer risk score for decisioning.

One solution for every use case

Quickboarding helps you sourcing and managing customers while keeping you compliant.

business lending quickboarding


Supporting businesses with faster & automated decisioning & lending

With a faster, secure digital procedure you can lend money to your  clients when they need it most.

Leverage automated decision making through holistic risk analysis to expedite lending process. Now immediately onboard customers and collect documents to quickly disburse loans.

What Impact ?

99.1 % customer adoption

Reduced Risk


78% decrease in disbursal time

78% decrease in disbursal time

Enhanced CX


Enable True Digital Transformation