Insurance Claim Management- FI

Automated Claim Processing – A New Normal For insurance claim management

When we think about insurance claim management, the first thing that comes to mind is the lengthy process. In our previous experiences, we have found that the insurance claim process is often lengthy and stressful. But now you do not need to worry anymore because things are changing and as a result, the old time-consuming method of insurance claiming can now be transformed into automated insurance claim processing. Before we tell you about automated insurance claim management, let’s answer some simple questions.

  • What do you mean by “claim processing”?
  • What are the benefits of automated insurance claim management?
  • What is claim and RPA in Insurance?

Hold on, there’s no need to worry if you don’t know the answers to these questions because we’re here to tell you everything you need to know about insurance claim processing. So here we go…

What is Insurance Claim Management?

Claim processing is a method that acts as a foundation in any insurance company. When a customer suffers damage that is covered by an insurance policy, a customer will file a claim against them detailing the nature of the damage as well as the costs involved. All the information provided by the client is very important for the insurance company as it helps them to determine whether the claim will be fulfilled and, if so what remittance will be paid.

When the claim is accepted then it is forward to the third party for rest processes. On the other hand, claims are carefully observed that whether they meet the policy requirements or not.

Also Read: Future of customer onboarding in financial institutions

COVID-19 effect on modern claims processing

We all know that the process of claim processing is always done by the insurance adjuster. The duty of the adjuster is to review multiple claims that comes in a day and then if they found any claim with incomplete information, suspect or fraud then they flag that claim. This method of processing is good in the past but now as the world is moving on things are changing so is the process of claim also.

As of now, the insurance company needs to deal with hundreds or sometimes thousands of claim processing files. That is why modern claims processing methods are required

This year COVID 19 has changed the perception of many insurance companies too and now they are convinced that modern claim processing is the way forward to grow quickly. As we all know throughout the time of COVID 19 people are not able to do claim processing. Even insurance companies are also not able to help them out. During the time people realize that modern claim processing is the best way for processing insurance claims.

Benefits of Automated Insurance Claim Processing

  • The Data Entry Time is Reduced
  • Application Completeness
  • Removes the need for storage
  • Consumer Visibility
  • Fraudulent Claims are Identified

The data entry time is reduced, earlier the customers are required to fill a lot of documents as a procedure of claim processing but with the help of automated insurance claim processing that data entry time can be reduced.

Application completeness, to claim insurance there are lots of documents that are needed to be verified and submitted and it is not easy to instruct every single customer every single time when they are filling their insurance claim process application. But using the automated insurance claim process, this big task becomes easy as all the instructions are already written so completeness of application is not a big task to do.

Removes the need for storage, as we have already discussed in the above two points that the insurance claim management method requires a lot of paperwork as a result lots of different files are also required to store the documents. If any of the documents get misplaced then it becomes a very tough task to find them again as the whole procedure is done in the hard copies. To avoid this tension automated insurance claims play an important role as here all the documents and procedures are done digitally and everything stored digitally hence it removes the need for physical storage.

Customer visibility, if we see from a customer’s point of view then insurance claiming is a very big task for them. It is so obvious that they want to be very sure regarding the entries they fill during the time of claim processing but sometimes what happens is by so and so reasons they filled some details wrong. Now, what’s next? Wrong entry may result in the cancellation of their insurance claim application so to overcome this issue automated claim process plays an amazing role. Here if the user is unsure about the data they entered at any point then they can cross-check and correct it as it is visible to them.

Fraudulent claims are identified, automated insurance claim management software can detect the patterns in data that means if the software found any data inappropriate or fraud then it will be flagged and system will not proceed with that insurance claim application. That is why we can say that the automated insurance claim process gives us security as well which we can’t find in a normal paper- pen claim processing method that’s why fraudulent claims are identified.

What is Claim and RPA in Insurance? 

Claim in insurance acts as a basic foundation in the insurance claim management process. A claim manager is the one who copies all the data that is entered by the customers into different computers. After that, each data is validated individually to check that it is not violating any rules and regulations. Also, it is reviewed for fraud, once the process is over that is everything is confirmed then the payment can be processed. The whole process is made much easier and simpler by the method of RPA.

When RPA is implemented it enables workers to communicate with customers more effectively and efficiently in a better way rather than just doing the paper works. RPA reduces the long process in short and made the whole process easy and quick. It increases the overall productivity as the bots bring the complicated task into an easy way that benefits all the insurance companies. The bots are combined in different ways so that they can do the work assigned to them quickly as it helps to do the complex works easily. 

When the claim is been screening and found that it has low risk then it is more complex and if is identified as a high-risk claim then it is directly sent to a special investigation for further review over the claim. Claims are just one part of the insurance company. However, RPA will offer you the ability to develop your whole company until it is extended into some other field like customer support.

Further Read – RPA in Insurance

Five Takeaways:

  • Strategize to link digital interactions by connecting front-end engagement and back office operations.
  • Modernize consolidation of legacy systems into one single platform.
  • Automate processes to improve the efficiency of the current process. 
  • Implement AI can be used to personalize coverage and faster claim processing.
  • Execute in stages to collect information and customize for local markets.


In this article, we get to know that how automated insurance claim process become the basic need of everyone. As we have seen that how modern pandemics highlight the need for insurance companies. The COVID 19 is one of the biggest examples of insurance claim processing that how the healthcare insurance becomes the most important and basic need for everyone.

During this time of crisis people are not able to visit their offices, workplaces, etc that time visiting the company for insurance claim is such a big task. At that moment automated insurance claim plays the most important role because now there is no need to visit anywhere physically as everything can be easily done digitally. Hence automated claim processing becomes the important for everyone.

About Quickboarding

Quickboarding on/off-boarding resolution is the best suit for onboarding automation. Its receptive use and self conjugation platform help Banks, HR Firms, property, and Insurance firms in automating completely different reasonably on/off-boarding use cases. Contact the North American nation if you would like to envision and skill a digital transformation in your business.